Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Dogen, Buddhahood, and the recent poll

The results of the latest poll from this website seem interesting enough to serve as a post that might lead to a little discussion.
The poll asked:

"That we will realize Buddhahood..."

A. Must not be doubted. ..............resulting in.........25% of the votes
B. Is what the Buddha taught. ................................25%
C. Is a foregone conclusion..................................... 25%
D. All of the above. ..................................................0%
E. None of the above. .............................................25%

This poll was constructed from a quote of Master Dogen's.... His "answer" (at least in the passage in question) is the only one that recieved 0%

"You must not doubt that you will inevitably realize Buddhahood, for it is a foregone conclusion. It is precisely what the Buddha gave voice to."
- Shobogenzo, Kuyō Shobutsu, Rev. Hubert Nearman

Any ideas? Comments?
Thank you!
Ted Biringer
My Webpage


SlowZen said...

I did not vote this time, If the all of the above had been below the none of the above that would have been my vote.

Take care,

Harry said...


We were all too busy non-thinking of the non-answer without realizing it.

